UMMS U is Here
To access UMMS U, log in to your HRConnections account:

If you do not have access to HRConnections or you are an employee at UM Charles Regional Medical Center or UM Upper Chesapeake Health, click here.
Healthstream and the Portfolio Learning Community (PLC) are Now Retired - Welcome to UMMS U!
UMMS U, our online learning management system that replaced Healthstream, launched on Monday, October 2 at 10 a.m. Here is what you need to know:
- Any course or training that was left in progress and was not completed by midnight on September 28 will have to be repeated from the beginning in UMMS U.
- All completed training has automatically moved to UMMS U.
- Employees should use HRConnections to access their UMMS U accounts.
- Managers should fill out the Non-Employee User Request Form to request access for non-employees in UMMS U.
Helpful Information About UMMS U:
This content is for Internal Use only.